Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to banish fleas on puppies

I know. The misery. Suffering for your dog.
I know this sounds a bit dramatic but it's true. There's TONS of sand around my house, so that means tons of sand fleas. Which is awful. I give baths after baths, medicine after medicine, anything to banish those fleas with.

Everyone knows puppies can't have any flea treatments/sprays/shampoos until they are at least 3 months old. Yes this sucks, Ecspecially for fluffy dogs who hide umpteen thousand fleas in their coats.

Thankfully I've compiled a list of some helpful (safe) remedies.

Here it's is!:

1. Flea Collar 

Yes this is a no brainer. But a helpful one too. Here is a great tutorial for a DIY one:

What you'll need:

A bowl or cup 

Take your cup or bowl and fill it up with your vinegar.

Take your bandana and soak it for about 15 minutes.
Dry it and tie it around your dogs neck. Make sure it fits well/but not to tight.

I love a stylish flea collar! I mean who doesn't?!

2. A bath 
Another no brainer. But also a helpful one. If the flea issue isn't too bad, fill the tub up. (And I mean UP! All that should stick out is their head.
Let them soak for awhile and drown those fleas.

3. Talk to your vet. 
Talk to them. They should have helpful advice/or medication.

4. Brush!
Use a good dog brush and brush brush brush!
This helps draw out fleas.

5. Shampoo substitutes 
Try using a dab of dishwasher liquid (mild) or a little fabric softener. This is great to get rid of all those fleas. Be sure to check with your vet.

6. Keep dogs out of sand. 
Try to limite dogs outside time/ and or time in the sand.

Thank you for reading this quick post :) hope this helps! Xx

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Prevent Food Guarding

Hi, long time no see. I've been working on this post ever since I realized how bad Oscar food guards. Anyways, after that I started putting in some work and searching up on it, and imply some rules. Having a dog guard food is terrible, Ecspecially with young children who do not understand. Of course dogs gaurding food is an wolf instinct.

But here are a few helpful tips to stop and prevent food guarding.

Honestly stopping and preventing this type of behavior is a work in progress. There are tips, techniques and steps. But anyways, here is some great ways to stop and preventing food gaurding.

Take a empty bowl and set it in front of them. Let them inspect it, pick the bowl up and praise them. Then fill the bowl up and give it to them.

Give them their food, stand a few steps away and say "Whatcha got there?" Or "Your good taste good?" And give them a treat. Every meal move closer.

If your dog isn't too bad, then just pet them while they eat, or lightly touch the bowl. Don't take the bowl, just lightly touch it.

Try, placing toys around them to gain their trust.

Be sure to be consistent. A dog who food guards, will growl, stiffen and sometimes even bite. Be aware to wear gloves if your dog is severe.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and if you have any helpful advice or links be sure to add them below :)
If your dog eats successfully without growling or biting, reward them. GOOD LUCK xx

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The yellow bow

Everyone has a nervous dog, who growls on a walk. Or maybe they just don't like smaller dogs. Or they may have health problems. Whatever it is, there's now a way you can let people know. A yellow bow, or ribbon on any leash that's on a dog, means please give him/her some space. 
This is amazing for anybody who has a dog who needs some space. I've inly seen a yellow bow on a dog once or twice, and before I didn't know what it meant, but I figured it was SOMETHING, so I gave it google.

So if you see a yellow bow, you know what it means!

DIY - Doggie Graphic Tee

Hey guys! Here on Puppying on a Budget, it's DIY week. For your dog of course!

Anyways, this is one if my fave DIYs, because A) it's super easy and cheap. And B) super cute n' trendy ;)

But here you gooo!:

DIY - Doggie Tee 

What you'll need: 
A T-Shirt (a small or large depending on your pups size.) 
Iron on designs 

Step 1:
Take your tee, and cut it off to size. My pup wears a 24 mo. And I have to cut the ends off a bit :)

Step 2:
Iron the tee out, take your design and iron it on prior to the instructions.

Step 3:
Put it on your pooch and enjoy!

Se how easy that was?! My dog loves the tees. And they're super super cute. I also love putting
Awesome sayings like "I have nothing to wear" on them. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Be sure to share it with a friend if you enjoyed!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Carrot chew toy - FREE crochet pattern

Believe it or not, I actually crochet. (ALOT.) I love making plushies for the kids and of course, dog toys for the dogs. I love spoiling my dogs, and well holding them and buying them everything really works. (Heh.)
One thing Dixie LOVES is carrots.
Here is a pattern I've been working on, (Don't make fun of me is it's wrong. This is my first time making a pattern, but if there is a mistake please let me know!)

What you'll need:
1 crochet hook 
Sewing needle 
Two balls of different color yarn 

Step 1: Carrot Body 
Start with a slip knot, and crochet 14 stitches.

Step 2:
Make a loop with your 14 stitches.

Step 3:
Crochet around the loop for about  70-100 stitches. Or whatever works best for you :)

Step 4:
Stuff the carrot, and tie off. Done.

Step 5: Leaves 
For the leaves just crochet and see on top of the carrot.

Step 6:
Make a slip knot, and crochet 6-8 stitches. (Depending on carrot size.)

Step 7:
Make 5-6 leaves.

Step 8: 
Sew on top of carrot. Done.

And that's it! These are so so cute. I wouldn't suggest these for heavy chewers though. But they would be perfect for fetch! I've made pink and white, and blue and red looks snazzy too. Yes I just said snazzy. I'd love to see your creations below!!

As of any handmade toy, supervise your dog with the toy. Please do not sell, my crochet pattern. You may sell the finished product, but please link my blog to it. Please do not claim this pattern as your own. Thank you! Enjoy this cute little carrot. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teething time madness - Strikes again

It seems at night time Dixie's teething time gets worse. I supply her with many many toys, I've cubes and well everything. Honestly it's been sort of crazy around here. A good crazy, but still. Anyways, I've tried many ways to beat those teething times, but nothing works it seems. Like I said before she always goes for the chair. Even though she has like a billion chew toys. Dixie has also learned how to jump up on furniture. *ahem* it's kind of adorable. But I try not to coo to hard, so she won't do it again. A good clap, "no Dixie" and she gets down. For now. 

    It's been a crazy fun journey. Thus, I love little Dixie and wouldn't trade her for the world.

How do your pups beat teething??  Let me know below!!


Teething Time Madness - 2

It's been actually insane with a teething dog who just wants to play play play! But all her doggie friends jut want to growl growl growl. Yes, Oscar and Muffin hate playing with her. They growl and bark so it's just best to separate them.

Dixie has been chewing on EVERYTHING. I've supplied her with many many toys, but this she always goes for a glove, or the chair -- lovley choice. Honestly, I could supplie her with a seat and she'd be just as happy.

She has sharp little teeth so it hurts when she nips at your toes! That's why I've been giving her Purina© Dog chow. She loveeees it. It's soft and not too hard.

Speakin' of sharp teeth, she has destroyed yet another chew toy. Hmmm, I can finally make another one without feeling guilty. If you check our post Dog Toy Hoarder?... No... You can read alllll about it. Honestly I could make 1,000 dog toy/hacks tutorials. I have so many ideas stored up.

Stay tuned!

But back to the point. *ahem*

Teething -- Here's some quick ways to beat that teething:

1. Ropes 
During the tough teething times, supplie many many ropes.

2. Ice 
Give an ice cube to your dog, chill those gums, and they'll love licking/chewig on it!

3. Bones 
Bones will soothe those teeth, and help bad breath!

Hope those three tips help. Happy-teething!

Puppy breath

Ugh, the only thing that's NOT cute on a puppy is... Puppy breath - DUH DUH DUH. When I come home to Dixie she runs to me and licks my face. Aweee, cute until I get a sniff of her breath. Tuck I thought. After searching the internet, I found some fool proof ways to freshen doggie breath.

See the problem is with puppies, is that they can't have certain breath freshing bones and things. So I gathered some home remedies. Busy that narley puppy breath!

1. Carrots
As crazy as it sounds , yes carrots actually remove plaque and help healthy gums! (Plus fights bad breath!)

2. Parsley 
Let your doggie chew on some raw parsley to help fight bacteria. (And breath!)

3. Brush their teeth. 
I know this sounds, well awful. But it might be your last resort. Build a daily routine, (be sure to get dog paste as human paste can harm them!)

4. Coconut oil
Probably one of the easiest, pour 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil over tier dog food and beat that breath.

5. Mouth spray 
Another last resort, but find some spray or ask your vet.

And the easiest of all....

6. Water 
Give your pup plenty to drink!!

Note: if your dog constantly has bad breath it can be a sign of disease... Talk to your vet. 

Hope this helps your pup! It helped mine. Enjoy those doggie kisses!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Skittles... Please

I know this isn't dog related whatsoever, but I recently got a pound of skittles. Yes, I'm in skittle Heaven :D. Of course the dogs want a bite, but unfourtunly- they can't have a bite. But of course this doesn't stop their begging. (Aha! It is dog related.) I hate hate hate giving my dogs human food, but sometimes it happens. By mistake though. You can try, but it's extremely difficult to keep your dogs lips off of human food. Pfft, it's gonna happen. And if it hasn't then it will eventually. I mean you drop a piece of cereal they'll be the first to swoop in and eat it.

It's funny though, stuff they absouloutly DO NOT need to eat (I.e. Onions) I dropped one, they swooped in and didn't eat it! (Thankfully.)  like they knew they didn't need to consume that. Or maybe they just hate onions.

As long as it's not large amounts, to me it's fine. But I see some people give their dogs hamburgers, and I know meats not AS bad for them but still... But also it's none of my business because it's not my dog. But anyways, do you give your dog human food?  One thing I watch (and worry) about is chocolate though. Because that's one thing they won't avoid.

How do you keep your dogs safe, from unsafe food?
Let me know below!!

Chew toy hoarder?... No....

This post had been in my drafts for something like 2 years (kiddin') but still. --- let's give this a go. As I was cleaning up my disgustingly disgusting bedroom, I picked up 3..4..5..6, 6 chew toys. You see, in the living room we have a taaaallll hamper full of dog toys. (It's a result from having 3 dogs) my problem is I make like a thousand dog toys. If I find a scrap of fabric I fold it and knot it, and grow it in the hamper. Hmm, this is a real issue. I try to prevent myself - don't make an awesome, durable dog toy. But I ALWAYS give in. At least my dogs have 20,000,000 dog toys though right?

I don't really think anyone understands this problem. I HAVE TOO MANY DOG TOYS. Whenever anybody with a dog comes over I'm like "Hey wanna couple dog toys?" And I wind up givin them them a garbage bag full. I'm thinking this is why I never have visitors...

Back to the point though.
My dogs love this uh, um issue. New toys every single day. It takes me FOREVER to wash them all.
This is a real issue. Seriously there should be rehab for this.


Do you hae a serious hoarding prob?? Let us know below!!

Your Guide to: Getting a Puppy

Eventually everyone gets a puppy. Or wants one. If you'd been interested in gettin puppy, I've linked many great sites, and tips to getting/raising a pup.

Choosing your Dog:
Are you more of a beagle person? Or a lab maybe? Everyone's different. Ask yourself these questions:
Could I walk a dog at least three times a week?
Could I be with him/her a lot?

Animal Planet had a great quiz to help you find a furry friend :).
Find it Here.

After you've found the perfect pet, your going to need te following:

  1. Leash
  2. Collar
  3. Food
  4. Food bowl 
  5. Chew toy 
  6. Treats 
  7. Vet visit 
  8. Kennel (optinal)
  9. Dog bed 
Also a dog tag for the collar, in case you lose your dog, or anything else.
For food I suggest Blue Buffalo. Their food is amazing and my dogs gobble it up. It's good for dogs and super healthy too. Find it Here.

Amazon also has an amazing selection. Find some great things for your dog Here.

Once you get your pooch home, your gonna need to teach it the basics. Here's a great list:

  1. Potty train 
  2. Sit
  3. Stay 
Walking your dog is also a must. here's a great tutorial Here.

Also, have fun with your dog! Hope this guide helps. I remember how exited I was when I got my first dog. I totally needed a guide. :)
This post contains links. All information belongs to the sole owners.

Teething Time Madness

Every puppy goes through that teething stage. It's awful, and complete madness. They want to chew on EVERYTHING. No matter how many (expensive) chew toys I buy, Dixie always ALWAYS goes for the couch handle, or my house shoes. Honestly, it's one of the best/worst times. Yes you get to play with your pup a lot, but then you have a ruined shoe. Oscar, who's waaaay past the teething stage STILL chews on things. Toys, stuff animals, blankets. Anything that's soft he will chew. Ugh I swear if I find one more damp house shoe I'm gonna scream.

Dixie has also taking to nipping at my toes. Which is adorable, but she's got the sharpest teeth around,  
She loves to play tug-a-war, and starts to growl or bark.

I don't know, but it seems my dogs teethe for a long time.

But I'll tell you one thing: I had a lab, and he chewed EVERYTHING! Once, I rolled pennies, he got ahold of them and chewed them up, while we are asleep. Now I make sure nothing destruct able is out when I go to bed.  Thankfully though he didn't swallow any, but it looked like it rained money. (Which wouldn't be a bad thing).

How does your dog get through teething/chewing stage? Are they heavy or light?  Mine are all just heavy chewers! Except for muffin. She's very lazy though, but back to the point.

Let me hear your thoughts below! 

Life Hacks Dog Owners must know

There are probably 1,000,000 life hacks out there for dogs. I absouloutly love making cheap, homemade toys for my doggies. Since i got Dixie, I've been making chew toys for her, and these are a few of my favs. Also a few life hacks, perfect for any pooch.

1. Tennis Ball Madness 

What you'll need:
• Sicssors
• Tennis Ball
• Rope, (I suggest paracord)
Take your tennis ball, and drill a hole in it. Take about 20 inch. Of paracord, and string the tennis ball.   Braid the rest of the paracord and knot. I tied mine into a circle, so you can play tug-a-war!
This chew toy is perfect for any heavy chewer! (Fun to fetch too!)

2. Unstuffed Friend 
Another great DIY.
What you'll need:
• Sicssors
• Old stuff animal
Take your old stuff animal, and cut a small tiny hole (the smaller the better!) and pull out all the stuffing. I love love love these chew toys, because they are cute! And all my dogs love to pounce on it. Plus you can make it for pennies. Beats buying one for 12$.

3. Re-usable dog bowls
I use this hack for Oscar, because he like to pee in the bowl? Yes I know, ewwww. So what I do is take disposable bowls of course!
What you'll need:
• A container (I suggest a cool whip container)
And that's all for this one! I give it a good wash, and let Oscar eat out of it.
Sometimes I wash it out and re-use it, but it's also great to take on walks and trash it in a trash can.

4. Food Fun 
This one is great, and just cost pennies.
What you'll need:
• Toilet Paper Roll
• Dog treats
All your gonna do, is take your toilet paper roll, and stuff 1-2 big treats, or 3-4 small treats (depends on what you use) and fold the opening of the roll. (Mess intended.)

5. Knots 
This one is super super simple, I've probably made 20 of these babes.
What you'll need:
• 5 minutes
• Strip of fabric, (or rope)
Just take your material, and knot it once. Super durable and fun :).

6. Quick n' easy doggie treats 
These are super easy, but they contain actual peanut butter, so I don't give them to my dogs to often. But they are fun and delicious, perfect for any afternoon snack.
What you'll need:
• Penut Butter
• Tray
Just take 1-2 teaspoons of Penut butter, and dab them on a tray. For texture, use crunchy Penut butter.
Put your tray in the freezer and chill them for about 10-20 mins.

7. Dog Treat Popsicles 
Yes! Perfect for summer.
What you'll need:
• Water
• Ice cube tray (or a Popsicle tray if you have one!
• Dog bone treats
What you'll do:
If your using an ice cube tray, then use a small dog bone treat here! Just fill up your tray with water and pluck a bone in. Let it freeze until frozen, and then let your dog enjoy!

8. Sock Talk 
What you'll need:
• and old sock
• plastic bottle
Just take your bottle, (I filled mine with some beads,) and put the cap on. (I glued mine on). Then take your sock, and slip in on the bottle! Let your dog go to town on this toy. Muffins kind of crazy about this toy!

9. Bathtub hack:
Now I absouloutly love this one, take a laundry hamper, and put your pooch in the hamper and stick both  of them in the tub. This is a miracle for my dogs who try to escape from the bath tub.

10. Yarn Fun 
And last but not least:
Take a piece of yarn,  and tie it to a few feathers. Not good for chewing, but perfect for pouncing! (Which my dogs LOVE to do!)

And there you have it. My favorites defiantly number 2. Which is you fav?? And if you have another one, add it below! We love getting comments!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Top 10 best dog breeds for kids

Every child eventually wants a puppy (or a cat,) and of course it's great for them! Teaches children responsibility, love and care. So I've dug up some info, and dog breeds to bring you...


1. Boxer
Cute, tall and fun, and energetic. Boxers are defiantly super sweet and lovable, making it one if the top ten dog breeds for little ones!

2. Australian Shepard 
I should know about these, mainly because I own one. These fluffy dogs are smart, and obedient. Super energetic making them great for any kid.

3. Bulldog 
Not all bulldogs slober! Bulldogs are super sweet and smart. Perfect for any little kid! I actually have a bulldog too. She loves to play, play play. Great for any energetic kid!

4. Collie 
I'm sure everyone knows what a collie is. These dogs are defiantly perfect for any kid, and they are absouloutly beautiful dogs.

5. Beagles 
These lovable creatures are great for any kid. Yes they have floppy ears, but seriously how adorable is that?!

6. Poodle 
Poodles are known for their fancy dos, but these dogs are also very smart. A poodle is a great dog breed for any kid!

7. Golden Retriever
Goldens are an absolute classic, for a good reason to. They're not only adorable, but energetic and smart. Goldens are a must!

8. Lab 
Labs are adorable. Yes they go through a horrible teethig stage, (doesn't every puppy?) but they are VERY entergetic so they would be great for a kid.

9. German Shepard 
German Shepards have a great sense of smell, they are gret guard dogs and are very smart. Also known as polic dogs, german Shepards make a great pet or kids.

10. Mastiff 
One of the oldest breed of dogs, so I obviously couldn't leave them out! They are smart, and very very protective. Sweet dogs. Great for any kid!

And there you have it. The list could go on for ages, (let's face it: there's TONS of amazing dogs) have another great dog breed? Add it below! We love getting comments :).

Puppy see Puppy do

One thing I can't say about my two dogs is that they ARE NOT cool around new dogs. When we brought Dixie (my pup) home, whenever she smelled Muffin or Oscar they would panick, bark or growl. I've finally broke them from doing this, but man is it a sweat. Sometimes they still do it, but quickly stop when I give them a scolding.

Dixie, a short little puppy who's been watching her fellow dog pals jump up on the couch and she of course wants to do the same. But unfortunately she's too short. She watches them do tons of things. Eat, play ect,. She tries to copy EVERYTHING (Ecspecially when they bark) she wants to play but Muffin and Oscar DO NOT want them playing with her. Dixie likes to grab Oscar by the tail. Oscar doesn't approve of this.

Whenever I see her copy them all I can think of is.. Monkey see, monkey do.. Or as I like to say Puppy see, puppy do.

Walking a dog: tips and tricks

Just about all of us have walked a dog. And if you haven't then let me tell you, it's no easy task. I've walked many many dogs. So I've compiled a list of tips and tricks to walking a dog. With no further ado,

Tips and tricks to walking a Dog:

• Be the boss.
Don't let your dog walk you, be dominant. Show your dog where to go. If your dog starts to jerk or pull, pull lightly on their leash and say "Heel".
• If your dog stops suddenly:
Now I have one of the laziest dogs. I swear. She walks ten steps and stops. When this happens, I pull on her leash and say "Go". She's got this recognized and knows to go.
• Take breaks.
Yes yes, if your dog starts to pant, take a break in the shade. Now don't do this frequently, or they'll think this is a routine. When I walk my dogs we walk down our road to a creek, take a quick break and walk back. This has became an wonderful routine :)
• Bring water.
Bring a disposable water bowl, and plenty of water. Be sure to give your dog water when you stop for a break. I always use bottle water that way I can put it in a lightweight tote.
• Bring treats.
If your dog walks the complete walk without tugging, reward them with a small treat.
• Hold the leash close.
If this is your first walk, then this is a must. Keep the slack so your dog can't jerk.
The first time I took my dog walking, I have her very little slack. But the second time I have her plenty of room. Now she's an old pro.
• Give it time!
Honestly every dog is different. Yes it only took Dixie, my puppy two days to get the hang, but it took Muffin, my other pooch a few weeks. Be patient!
• Take your dog walking everyday.
This one is a must! Be sure to take your dog walking frequently.

I suggest NOT using a retractable leash. I used this with my first dog, and it just taught her that pulling and jerking gets her freedom. With all my other dogs I use a normal, plain, clip on leash. Also if your furry pal is very well, FURRY, I suggest using a harness. A harness has worked wonders with my furry dogs. They just slip the collars. Now my chihuahua prefers a collar though. But like I said every dog is different :)

Happy dog walking!

1st post - WELCOME

Hi! Welcome to Puppying on a Budget! I know (Puppying) isn't an actual word but who cares right?
On to the introduction!
Hi, I'm Grace, and I have a pooch who is 6 weeks old. So yes a puppy :). She's a Australian mix. She's very lovable and energetic. After I got her I really realized how expensive it is to raise a dog! So thus, bringing you:

Puppying on a Budget: Raising a dog on a budget. 

Enjoy! Thanks for giving us a look! 

This is my little one. Isn't she darling?!