Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to banish fleas on puppies

I know. The misery. Suffering for your dog.
I know this sounds a bit dramatic but it's true. There's TONS of sand around my house, so that means tons of sand fleas. Which is awful. I give baths after baths, medicine after medicine, anything to banish those fleas with.

Everyone knows puppies can't have any flea treatments/sprays/shampoos until they are at least 3 months old. Yes this sucks, Ecspecially for fluffy dogs who hide umpteen thousand fleas in their coats.

Thankfully I've compiled a list of some helpful (safe) remedies.

Here it's is!:

1. Flea Collar 

Yes this is a no brainer. But a helpful one too. Here is a great tutorial for a DIY one:

What you'll need:

A bowl or cup 

Take your cup or bowl and fill it up with your vinegar.

Take your bandana and soak it for about 15 minutes.
Dry it and tie it around your dogs neck. Make sure it fits well/but not to tight.

I love a stylish flea collar! I mean who doesn't?!

2. A bath 
Another no brainer. But also a helpful one. If the flea issue isn't too bad, fill the tub up. (And I mean UP! All that should stick out is their head.
Let them soak for awhile and drown those fleas.

3. Talk to your vet. 
Talk to them. They should have helpful advice/or medication.

4. Brush!
Use a good dog brush and brush brush brush!
This helps draw out fleas.

5. Shampoo substitutes 
Try using a dab of dishwasher liquid (mild) or a little fabric softener. This is great to get rid of all those fleas. Be sure to check with your vet.

6. Keep dogs out of sand. 
Try to limite dogs outside time/ and or time in the sand.

Thank you for reading this quick post :) hope this helps! Xx

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Prevent Food Guarding

Hi, long time no see. I've been working on this post ever since I realized how bad Oscar food guards. Anyways, after that I started putting in some work and searching up on it, and imply some rules. Having a dog guard food is terrible, Ecspecially with young children who do not understand. Of course dogs gaurding food is an wolf instinct.

But here are a few helpful tips to stop and prevent food guarding.

Honestly stopping and preventing this type of behavior is a work in progress. There are tips, techniques and steps. But anyways, here is some great ways to stop and preventing food gaurding.

Take a empty bowl and set it in front of them. Let them inspect it, pick the bowl up and praise them. Then fill the bowl up and give it to them.

Give them their food, stand a few steps away and say "Whatcha got there?" Or "Your good taste good?" And give them a treat. Every meal move closer.

If your dog isn't too bad, then just pet them while they eat, or lightly touch the bowl. Don't take the bowl, just lightly touch it.

Try, placing toys around them to gain their trust.

Be sure to be consistent. A dog who food guards, will growl, stiffen and sometimes even bite. Be aware to wear gloves if your dog is severe.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and if you have any helpful advice or links be sure to add them below :)
If your dog eats successfully without growling or biting, reward them. GOOD LUCK xx

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The yellow bow

Everyone has a nervous dog, who growls on a walk. Or maybe they just don't like smaller dogs. Or they may have health problems. Whatever it is, there's now a way you can let people know. A yellow bow, or ribbon on any leash that's on a dog, means please give him/her some space. 
This is amazing for anybody who has a dog who needs some space. I've inly seen a yellow bow on a dog once or twice, and before I didn't know what it meant, but I figured it was SOMETHING, so I gave it google.

So if you see a yellow bow, you know what it means!

DIY - Doggie Graphic Tee

Hey guys! Here on Puppying on a Budget, it's DIY week. For your dog of course!

Anyways, this is one if my fave DIYs, because A) it's super easy and cheap. And B) super cute n' trendy ;)

But here you gooo!:

DIY - Doggie Tee 

What you'll need: 
A T-Shirt (a small or large depending on your pups size.) 
Iron on designs 

Step 1:
Take your tee, and cut it off to size. My pup wears a 24 mo. And I have to cut the ends off a bit :)

Step 2:
Iron the tee out, take your design and iron it on prior to the instructions.

Step 3:
Put it on your pooch and enjoy!

Se how easy that was?! My dog loves the tees. And they're super super cute. I also love putting
Awesome sayings like "I have nothing to wear" on them. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Be sure to share it with a friend if you enjoyed!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Carrot chew toy - FREE crochet pattern

Believe it or not, I actually crochet. (ALOT.) I love making plushies for the kids and of course, dog toys for the dogs. I love spoiling my dogs, and well holding them and buying them everything really works. (Heh.)
One thing Dixie LOVES is carrots.
Here is a pattern I've been working on, (Don't make fun of me is it's wrong. This is my first time making a pattern, but if there is a mistake please let me know!)

What you'll need:
1 crochet hook 
Sewing needle 
Two balls of different color yarn 

Step 1: Carrot Body 
Start with a slip knot, and crochet 14 stitches.

Step 2:
Make a loop with your 14 stitches.

Step 3:
Crochet around the loop for about  70-100 stitches. Or whatever works best for you :)

Step 4:
Stuff the carrot, and tie off. Done.

Step 5: Leaves 
For the leaves just crochet and see on top of the carrot.

Step 6:
Make a slip knot, and crochet 6-8 stitches. (Depending on carrot size.)

Step 7:
Make 5-6 leaves.

Step 8: 
Sew on top of carrot. Done.

And that's it! These are so so cute. I wouldn't suggest these for heavy chewers though. But they would be perfect for fetch! I've made pink and white, and blue and red looks snazzy too. Yes I just said snazzy. I'd love to see your creations below!!

As of any handmade toy, supervise your dog with the toy. Please do not sell, my crochet pattern. You may sell the finished product, but please link my blog to it. Please do not claim this pattern as your own. Thank you! Enjoy this cute little carrot. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teething time madness - Strikes again

It seems at night time Dixie's teething time gets worse. I supply her with many many toys, I've cubes and well everything. Honestly it's been sort of crazy around here. A good crazy, but still. Anyways, I've tried many ways to beat those teething times, but nothing works it seems. Like I said before she always goes for the chair. Even though she has like a billion chew toys. Dixie has also learned how to jump up on furniture. *ahem* it's kind of adorable. But I try not to coo to hard, so she won't do it again. A good clap, "no Dixie" and she gets down. For now. 

    It's been a crazy fun journey. Thus, I love little Dixie and wouldn't trade her for the world.

How do your pups beat teething??  Let me know below!!


Teething Time Madness - 2

It's been actually insane with a teething dog who just wants to play play play! But all her doggie friends jut want to growl growl growl. Yes, Oscar and Muffin hate playing with her. They growl and bark so it's just best to separate them.

Dixie has been chewing on EVERYTHING. I've supplied her with many many toys, but this she always goes for a glove, or the chair -- lovley choice. Honestly, I could supplie her with a seat and she'd be just as happy.

She has sharp little teeth so it hurts when she nips at your toes! That's why I've been giving her Purina© Dog chow. She loveeees it. It's soft and not too hard.

Speakin' of sharp teeth, she has destroyed yet another chew toy. Hmmm, I can finally make another one without feeling guilty. If you check our post Dog Toy Hoarder?... No... You can read alllll about it. Honestly I could make 1,000 dog toy/hacks tutorials. I have so many ideas stored up.

Stay tuned!

But back to the point. *ahem*

Teething -- Here's some quick ways to beat that teething:

1. Ropes 
During the tough teething times, supplie many many ropes.

2. Ice 
Give an ice cube to your dog, chill those gums, and they'll love licking/chewig on it!

3. Bones 
Bones will soothe those teeth, and help bad breath!

Hope those three tips help. Happy-teething!