Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teething Time Madness - 2

It's been actually insane with a teething dog who just wants to play play play! But all her doggie friends jut want to growl growl growl. Yes, Oscar and Muffin hate playing with her. They growl and bark so it's just best to separate them.

Dixie has been chewing on EVERYTHING. I've supplied her with many many toys, but this she always goes for a glove, or the chair -- lovley choice. Honestly, I could supplie her with a seat and she'd be just as happy.

She has sharp little teeth so it hurts when she nips at your toes! That's why I've been giving her Purina© Dog chow. She loveeees it. It's soft and not too hard.

Speakin' of sharp teeth, she has destroyed yet another chew toy. Hmmm, I can finally make another one without feeling guilty. If you check our post Dog Toy Hoarder?... No... You can read alllll about it. Honestly I could make 1,000 dog toy/hacks tutorials. I have so many ideas stored up.

Stay tuned!

But back to the point. *ahem*

Teething -- Here's some quick ways to beat that teething:

1. Ropes 
During the tough teething times, supplie many many ropes.

2. Ice 
Give an ice cube to your dog, chill those gums, and they'll love licking/chewig on it!

3. Bones 
Bones will soothe those teeth, and help bad breath!

Hope those three tips help. Happy-teething!

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