Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Prevent Food Guarding

Hi, long time no see. I've been working on this post ever since I realized how bad Oscar food guards. Anyways, after that I started putting in some work and searching up on it, and imply some rules. Having a dog guard food is terrible, Ecspecially with young children who do not understand. Of course dogs gaurding food is an wolf instinct.

But here are a few helpful tips to stop and prevent food guarding.

Honestly stopping and preventing this type of behavior is a work in progress. There are tips, techniques and steps. But anyways, here is some great ways to stop and preventing food gaurding.

Take a empty bowl and set it in front of them. Let them inspect it, pick the bowl up and praise them. Then fill the bowl up and give it to them.

Give them their food, stand a few steps away and say "Whatcha got there?" Or "Your good taste good?" And give them a treat. Every meal move closer.

If your dog isn't too bad, then just pet them while they eat, or lightly touch the bowl. Don't take the bowl, just lightly touch it.

Try, placing toys around them to gain their trust.

Be sure to be consistent. A dog who food guards, will growl, stiffen and sometimes even bite. Be aware to wear gloves if your dog is severe.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and if you have any helpful advice or links be sure to add them below :)
If your dog eats successfully without growling or biting, reward them. GOOD LUCK xx

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